Oued Taga - وادي الطاقة
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Oued Taga - وادي الطاقة
الى زائر و عضو المنتدى لا تغادر المنتدى قبل ان تترك لنا اثرا من ثقافتك... شارك بتعليق بعبارة بجملة بكلمة واترك أثرك - ساهـم برائيك من أجـل رقي المنتدى

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Oued Taga - وادي الطاقة
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مُساهمة من طرف MoNir الأربعاء أبريل 11, 2012 8:41 pm

<span style="margin: 10px; float: left; width: 380px;"><IFRAME src="https://ouedtaga.7olm.org/h1-p1" width=320 height=280 scrolling=auto frameborder=1 > </IFRAME></span> <P align=center>
<DIV align=left><IMG class=inlineimg title=1 alt="" src="images/smilies/1.gif" border=0> <IMG class=inlineimg title=Mh92 alt="" src="images/smilies/mh92.gif" border=0><BR></DIV><FONT size=5>
<DIV align=left><BR><U><B><FONT size=5>introduction</FONT></B></U><BR><FONT size=5>There are a lot of civilizations that are still their names printed in our hearts, despite the extinction of thousands of years before ... Every civilization reflect customs and traditions of the people went and they were doing achievements, which are viewed in the wonders of their times will not forget anyone so we are also in our present and also that if development of the world and became the wonderful things that only debris but the main pillars of this development reached in the rights and no one can rule it is undeniable that made the marble glory of modern humans and through and out of the way to achieve what was impossible in one day ... One of these civilizations &lt;&lt;civilization of Babylon</FONT><FONT face="times new roman"><FONT size=5>&gt;&gt; </FONT></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT size=5>Definition of civilization of Babylon:</FONT></U></B><BR><FONT size=5>This era began when tribesmen attacked Amore Bedouin lands between the Euphrates and the Tigris, at a time when ongoing conflict situation between the leading cities there was no sufficient strength to deter their diversion to Mesopotamia, the tribes occupying the many cities and between these cities, the city of Babylon, which at that time was just a station of the trading caravans. And thus was the first flashes of Babylon by the family who Alomorip Thanks are due to the reconstruction of Babylon and the beginning of a new era of prosperity and founded the first dynasty of the people is the Babylonian King Hammurabi in 18 century BC. ... M</FONT><BR><FONT size=5>The Persians call it Babroc means (Gate of God) and was located between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates south of Baghdad, Iraq. This civilization emerged between the 19 centuries BC. M. And 6 BC. M. The empire of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf were identified strain Alamorip (Amorite) The number of kings who ruled for three centuries (1894 BC. M. -1594 BC. M.) 11 King foremost among them founder of Hammurabi. In this period reached the height of its civilization of Iraq and prosperity, and spread the Babylonian ********, where elevated science and knowledge, art and trade expanded to the point of unmatched in the history of the region and the central administration and the country unified law governing the age of King Hammurabi of all peoples as it was based on agriculture, not industry. The red-brick buildings, famous buildings, tower (Zigurat). Iizagela was the temple of the god Marduk larger (Murdoch). And now lie in ruins. Found on the Ishtar Gate and the Street is decorated with carved bulls and dragons and black color over the blue tile. Was named the empire Balbabelip proportion to the capital of Babylon (ie the door of God) and excelled on the kings of Babylon, the kings of other cities that they were firing on each of the years rule name carries the memory of the most important events that occurred in that year. The community was in the era of Hammurabi, the Babylonian consisting of three layers</FONT><BR><BR><BR><FONT size=5>Upper-class ((aristocracy)), known as the Emmylou who have the rule of society.</FONT><FONT size=3>--</FONT><FONT size=5>1</FONT><BR><FONT size=5>2 - public class ((Almuchkino)) or the poor are poor individuals who have worked free of all professions, but they lacked all the rights that were enjoyed by the class aristocracy.</FONT><BR><FONT size=5>3 - thin layer ((and Ardom)) are born to slavery and prisoners of war they became some of the rights he was able to own and manage some of their business and borrowing of money was made known that parents usually are choosing husbands for their daughters.</FONT><BR><FONT size=5>Assyria defeated Hammurabi in 1760 BC. M. In 1603 BC. Conquered the king of the Hittites Marschles of Babylon. As captured by the Assyrians in 1240 BC. M help Alamyin Nbokhaddnasr emerged as king of Babylon (1245 BC. M -1104 BC. M). As income Chaldeans in 721 BC. m. In the year 689 BC. M Assyrian city was destroyed, turned against the rulers Alacrien Babylonians in 652 BC. M, and took second Nbokhaddnasr Jerusalem in 578 BC. M and also defeated the Phoenicians in 585 BC. AD and built the hanging gardens. But in the year 538 BC. M the Persian emperor Cyrus of Babylon, trying to seize and annex it to his empire. Because of these conflicts, the empire fell after the weak rule of rulers who have lost most of the influence of the region but has been cultural and political power is important, but rulers did not try to extend its authority over the internal problems of this country has led to its occupation by the Assyrians</FONT><BR><B><U><FONT size=5>Value of the civilization of the Babylonians:</FONT></U></B><BR><FONT size=5>Reflected the value of the Babylonian capital of Babylon, the same ******** at the middle between the centers of commercial and agricultural multiple. Concerned with irrigation and the Babylonians, and flourished culture, literature and the arts, how this era's oldest copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of the flood and the story of Caliph al-Babylonian era sculptures and give an idea of the sculpture, which was characterized by realism. Also remained between myth and reality Kjnainha outstanding and towers, the city where he was born the first law in the world . Have affected the rest of the civilizations and peoples of India and the Roman civilization in the literature, as evidenced by the time manuscripts transferred Babylonian historical traditions, is also well known in the law Baalovernma weight, astrology and science standards and monitoring. Babylonian society had experience in making copper utensils. The writing was known as cuneiform They write on panels made of mud dry and they invented the first writing was preceded by the Pharaohs of about a century. The trade has reached their goods to East Asia</FONT><BR><B><U><FONT size=5>Hanging Gardens of Babylon</FONT></U></B><BR><FONT size=5>Hanging Gardens of Babylon one of the seven wonders of the world, built by Nebuchadnezzar to the Queen Omiyetia which had been eager for home gardens and Media, was built in 600 BC. M almost in Babylon in Iraq, current, and parks are not actually outstanding. Also known as Semiramis hanging gardens. Garden of scenic beauty and magnificence entering the fun and pleasure to the heart of man when Alnzerilleha.</FONT><BR><FONT size=5>They also planted trees of all kinds, vegetables, and fruits and flowers and remain productive throughout the year and because of the presence of trees, summer and winter and distributed Imathil of different sizes in all the garden.<B><U>Hammurabi, 1792 - 1750 BC. M:</U></B></FONT><BR><BR><FONT size=5>Hammurabi received power after the death of his father (Sean paved) and worked hard to achieve the goal that his father could not be achieved because of the power of Assyria, which was led by &lt;&lt;Shamshi Adad&gt;&gt; which is to unify the whole country under his leadership ... Hence his father behind The work of this task a truce with the &lt;&lt;Shamshi Adad &gt;&gt; which was marked by strength and silent at first, but after his death collapsed the existing balance in Iraq and the country entered the new conflict between the leading cities after Babylon became a fortified city, prosperous and reached a level of force and the competition was going on between the four referees for strong leadership Mesopotamia They &lt;&lt;Mary&gt;&gt; W, &lt;&lt;Eshnunna&gt;&gt; E and &lt;&lt;Larsa&gt;&gt; Finally, in the south of Babylon in the middle and although the site of Babylon Hammurabi weak but managed to defeat his opponents one by one and won the last round by using them to sow discord Baluahd them to overwhelm the other hand, has been known patience and stubbornness and caution that some slag Esthaha Vsahbh today may be the next victim tomorrow, and so settled on the throne of Babylon is a large new after twenty-five years of hard work</FONT><BR><BR><FONT size=5>Known as the golden era of Hammurabi, which has been unprecedented in the history of Babylon term. Where they can become exercised political sovereignty is not challenged after that the kingdom stretched even to the Habor Basin Balikh included the Diyala River Valley and the Tigris up. The name of Babylon replace Osthal Name &lt;&lt;Sumer&gt;&gt; and &lt;&lt;confirmed&gt;&gt; excellence and cultural and religious status kept over a thousand years become Bamranha Oriental Pearl ancient Arab. Thus Hammurabi succeeded in imposing the unity of Iraq began b &lt;&lt;Larsa&gt;&gt; P &lt;&lt;Eshnunna&gt;&gt; and &lt;&lt;Mary&gt;&gt; Finally &lt;&lt;General Category&gt;&gt; but not only that, but work on the unification of the unit where the legislative legal characterized his regime of absolute power, which envisaged justice under the law (I'm Top of Hammurabi Prince, Abed gods, to propagate a justice in the world, I spend the evil sinners, and Prevent the powerful be penalized the weak, and Share the light at the ground, and safeguard the interests of mankind), who walked the course, almost all the kings of Babylon.</FONT><BR><BR><BR></DIV></FONT>

عضو دهبي
عضو دهبي

عدد المساهمات : 5815
نقاط : 41029
السٌّمعَة : -1
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/10/2011

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