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Oued Taga - وادي الطاقة
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بحث حول AirPollution

اذهب الى الأسفل

 بحث حول AirPollution  Empty بحث حول AirPollution

مُساهمة من طرف Ø¨Ø³Ù…Ø© الأربعاء أبريل 11, 2012 7:02 pm

Air pollution

? In this search I’m going to talk about the Air pollution and What is Air Pollution

? The types and the main causes of AirPollution.

? Also as everyone live on this world I ask How can air pollution hurt my health and the environment

? And How can we prevent the damaging effects of air pollution


I. Air pollution

When people think about air pollution , they usually think bout smog , acid rain , CFC's , and other forms of outdoor air pollution . but did you know that air pollution also can exist inside homes and other buildings? It can, and every year, the health of many people is affected by chemical substances present in the air within buildings.

II. What is Air Pollution

Air Pacific is that which surrounds us, breathe through him, is the Pacific, which give us oxygen is necessary for our life and we can not live without it , Air is 99.9 % nitrogen , oxygen , water vapor and inert gases. Human activities can release substances into the air, some of which can cause problems for humans, plants, and animals .
There are several main types of pollution and well- known effects of pollution which are commonly discussed. These include smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and "holes" in the ozone layer .Each of these problems has serious implications for our health and well-being as well as for the whole environment.

III. Types and Causes Of AirPollution

Indoor air pollution

Many people spend large portion of time indoors – as much as 80-90% of their lives. We work, study eat, drink and sleep in enclosed environments where air circulation may be restricted. For these reasons, some experts feel that more people suffer from the effects of indoor air pollution than outdoor pollution.

There are many sources of indoor air pollution. Tobacco, smoke, *****ng and heating appliances, and vapors from building materials, paints, furniture, etc. cause pollution inside buildings. Radon is a natural radioactive gas released from the earth, and it can be found concentrated in basements in some parts of the world pollution exposure at home and work is often greater than outdoors.
Sick building syndrome (SBS) is the term used when there is indoor air pollution. This happens when there is not enough ventilation to disburse the toxic fumes from new carpet, paint and/or cleaning chemicals that are used indoors. Mold can also cause SBS

Outdoor Air Pollution
Every day, the average adult breathes about 15,000 to 20,000 litres of air. Air is a mixture of gases that makes up our atmosphere and is vital to life on earth. Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions harm our environment and pose a threat to our health.
There are several main causes of air pollution, A small portion of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions comes from natural sources, such as forest fires, bogs and volcanic activity, the vast majority of them can be attributed to man .
Some of the main causes of air pollution are
Factories: Factories, office buildings, homes and power-generating stations burn fossil fuels, which cause air pollution
Combustion Engine Exhaust :Cars, trucks, jet airplanes and other combustion engine vehicles cause air pollution. The exhaust from these contains carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and gaseous oxide.
Petroleum: Petroleum refineries release hydrocarbons and various particulates that pollute the air
Power Lines :Some power lines are not insulated and are high voltage. This creates air pollution
Pesticides : Pesticides used to kill indoor and outdoor pests, insecticides used to kill insects and herbicides use to kill weeds all cause air pollution.
Radioactive Fallout :Radioactive fallout causes air pollution from the nuclear energy dispersed, which is a dust.
Fertilizer Dust : Dust from fertilizers used to help plants grow causes air pollution.

IV. Effect of AirPollution:

:How can air pollution hurt my health

Depending on the length of time you are exposed, your health status, your genetic background and the concentration of pollutants, air pollution can have a negative effect on your heart and lungs. It can:
Make it harder to breathe
Irritate your lungs and airways
Worsen chronic diseases such as heart disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma
Each individual reacts differently to air pollution. Children, the elderly and those with diabetes, heart or lung disease, are most sensitive to the adverse health effects of air pollution.
Negative health effects increase as air pollution worsens. Small increases in air pollution over a short period of time can increase symptoms of pre-existing illness among those at risk

:How can air pollution hurt the Enviroment

Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, and biological matter that cause harm to humans, other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment. Stratospheric ozone depletion(contributed to air pollution) has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth’s ecosystems. The Earth is capable of cleaning itself of a certain level of pollution, but man-made pollutant have become too numerous for the Earth’s natural mechanisms to remove..

air pollution creates smog which causes holes in the ozone layer, which increases the exposure to the sun's harmful rays.

The air pollution destroys plants, damages buildings and creates oxidation on iron.

NOx and SOx combine with water to produce acid precipitation. This alters pH in streams and lakes affecting the ecosystem.

Heavy ****ls can contaminate plants by making the soil and water toxic.

Air pollution includes variety of different harmful chemicals and gases released from our vehicles and our industrial facilities that make our air dirty.

Air pollution increase the average temperature on our planet and that’s leed to the global warming.
Acid rains destroy habitats of many animals and pollute the naturel source of foods.

V. How can we prevent the damaging effects of air pollution

First of all we should start using much less our cars than we used them now, or if we are really dependable upon them we should buy hybrid cars that release significantly less polluting particles compared to traditional cars.
Always keep your car tuned properly so that it remains in a good condition.
Save energy - Try to use minimum amounts of natural gas and even electricity. Whenever possible, avoid the use of air conditioner and use a fan instead.
Always buy recycled products.
Reuse things such as paper and plastic bags, paper etc. This will contribute a lot towards reducing the effects of air pollution and global warming.
Avoid the use of firecrackers. You don't really need it to express your feeling of happiness.
We should make our industries more green, and green in this case means using renewable energy sources like wind, solar and geothermal energy instead of highly polluting fossil fuels like coal and oil.

VI. Conclusion
Finally, through the efforts of scientists ,business leaders ,legislators and individuals can we reduce the amount of air pollution on the planet . this callenge must be met by all of us in order to assure that a healthy environment will exist for ourselves and our children.

عضو دهبي
عضو دهبي

انثى عدد المساهمات : 3099
نقاط : 34735
السٌّمعَة : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/07/2010
العمر : 32

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