Oued Taga - وادي الطاقة
الى زائر و عضو المنتدى لا تغادر المنتدى قبل ان تترك لنا اثرا من ثقافتك... شارك بتعليق بعبارة بجملة بكلمة واترك أثرك - ساهـم برائيك من أجـل رقي المنتدى

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Oued Taga - وادي الطاقة
الى زائر و عضو المنتدى لا تغادر المنتدى قبل ان تترك لنا اثرا من ثقافتك... شارك بتعليق بعبارة بجملة بكلمة واترك أثرك - ساهـم برائيك من أجـل رقي المنتدى

اختر اي قسم او موضوع واترك بصمتك به

Oued Taga - وادي الطاقة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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مكتبة الصور

 The civilizations relation  Empty
المتواجدون الآن ؟
ككل هناك 61 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 61 زائر :: 2 عناكب الفهرسة في محركات البحث

لا أحد

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 300 بتاريخ الخميس ديسمبر 22, 2022 2:40 am
التسجيل السريع

The civilizations relation

اذهب الى الأسفل

 The civilizations relation  Empty The civilizations relation

مُساهمة من طرف MoNir الخميس أبريل 19, 2012 5:54 pm

The civilizations relation
Read the text and answer the questions :
History shows that civilizations enrich one another. This enrichment is often the result of contacts of various kinds. For example, though Ancient Egyptians invented many things and achieved important scientific successes on their own, they didn’t keep theses inventions and achievements for themselves. In their contact with Ancient Egypt, Greek travellers and scientists like Thales borrowed both scientific and cultural ideas from the ancient Egyptians. Greek genius contributed to the development of these ideas. When the
Romans civilization fell to ruins, it was the turn of the Muslims to take the responsibility of carrying on the torch of civilization. Arab caliphs like al’Mamum and Harun al-Rashid were devoted patrons of the arts and sciences. They welcomed the most inventive scientists and artists in their courts. Those scientists did not only save the Greek scientific heritage from loss, but they further improved it before transmitting it to the West.

Part1: Reading and Interpreting (14pts)
1. Read the text and mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) .Correct the false.

a) Civilizations benefit from each other.
b) The Greek scientists brought their sciences and knowledge to ancient Egypt.
c) The Muslims did nothing to improve human knowledge and civilization.
d) The Arab caliphs encouraged the scientific and cultural movement.

2. What do the underlined words refer to in the text?
their …………… They ………….. it ………….

3. Find in the text words or phrases which are closest in meaning to:
lent = …………… intelligence= ………………dedicated = …………… rescue = …………….

G/ Divide the following words into roots and affixes.
( civilization- imagination - independent

4. Complete the following sentences with the positive, negative or interrogative forms of “used to”, “was/were able to”, and “had to”.

A) In ancient times, many people (to worship) stones. ……………….
B) Because of war, a lot of Palestinians (to immigrate) to foreign countries. ………………
C) They don’t live in Algiers now , but they (to live) in it before?

5.Combine the pairs of sentences using the provided connector:

1. Carthage was very strong. Carthage was defeated by the Romans . ( In spite of the fact that )
2. The Romans conquered Greece. Many Romans came to the schools of Athens.(As soon as)

7. Fill in the gaps with one word to make the paragraph meaningful:
heritage these establishing developed

It is absolutely right that the understanding of the past gives us immense opportunities to enrich
ourselves with the facts and encourage us to understand why our ancestors ……… various arts to
succeed in ……….. their proper identity in very hard times. …….. arts represent a cultural…………
that deserves respect.
8-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final “ed”.
( attempted - developed - ruled - turned – performed - influenced )


9– Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph.
a) – Today, monumental ruins inspire the imaginations of tourists and writers everywhere.
b) – The ancient Egyptians developed many construction techniques.
c) – But it was a hard work and took a long time to build them.
d) – that facilitated the building of monumental pyramids and temples.

عضو دهبي
عضو دهبي

عدد المساهمات : 5815
نقاط : 40299
السٌّمعَة : -1
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/10/2011

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